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        World Events

Earth Day

In 1969 at a conference in San Francisco, John McConnell proposed a day to honor the Earth and peace, to first be celebrated on March 21, 1970, the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere. It was held, and a month later, Senator Nelson held the first April 22 Earth Day. The first Earth Day was widely celebrated, but now over 192 countries celebrate it. This Earth Day, work to educate yourself about the environment and your actions. What can you do to decrease your plastic consumption? Consider using cloth bags when shopping, buying bulk instead of individually wrapped products, and (as always) recycling what you can. Locally, Rocky Gap will hold a ceremonial planting as well as a trash pick up hike. The events are at 1:00 PM April 21st and 22nd, and those wishing to attend the hike are encouraged to dress in layers and wear sturdy shoes. If you are interested in affecting policy change, call your representatives, register to vote, or volunteer with campaigns that support the issues important to you.


The Knight

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